If you are looking for Best Remote Control Helicopters then today you are in the proper website.
KALMBACH 12445 Building/Detailing Realistic Sherman Tanks KALZ2445 is one of the Best Remote Control Helicopters in the market. This Great merchandise presents for you to realize your demand.
Here, we present to you one of Best Remote Control Helicopters.
KALMBACH 12445 Building/Detailing Realistic Sherman Tanks KALZ2445
- Kalmbach 12445 Building/Detailing Realistic Sherman Tanks, 12445
- Includes: • One Fine Scale Modeler Book Building and Detailing Sherman Tanks • PECS: Copyright: 2010 • Dimensions: 8-1/4" x 10-3/4" • Pages: 96
- Specs:
- Part number(s) included (in factory packaging): 12445
- Features: • A how-to construction guide as well as a portfolio • First half of the book covers modeling from the basics to advanced • Gallery of the author's own models is the second half of the book • Learn how to handle tracks guns stowage racks lights and other fittings • Airbrushing washes panel fading dry-brushing streaking dusting and applying pigments also covered in this book • Gallery includes 60 years of Shermans in 48 models • 250 color photos